“I must abstain for Lint.” 😆🤣😂

You are a hysterical and utterly original voice, Moon Diamond.

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So you just ignore litter boxes, huh? No pronouns for the cat box? Bigot.

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They used to have clotheslines, there was a vast conspiracy to remove clotheslines, claiming that they violated string theory and had to be eliminated . Now we know that was just another of the pushcart wars. The price of the dryer machine did not increase because they didn't want to agitate the folks who just had to pay an extra quarter, who might've thought to violate the string theory and rehang a clothesline, had the dryer also cost more. Instead the filthy but more or less washed will keep buying the dryer, and the Kool aid. Bad enough to buy the Kool aid, some actually drink it. Some drink it for a fee, most drink it for free. The Kool aid tastes like feces, how'd they get anyone to drink that shit? Ah, they added something to it , wonder what that might be? Laundry soap pods? To hide the taste of Kool aid? Now I get it, see I thought folks were drinking mere Kool aid, but now I understand it is adjuvated Kool aid that has it's nucleatides reactivated for maximum lethality, or some other convincing declaration of effective safety to mask the foul fumes and fatality

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Actually I wanted to applaud the progress of inflation to get that extra quarter out of me into the washer.

It made me feel much better to have less money

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So I did my laundry today

I used the soap or whatever it is that was on the floor or spilled on the machine, plenty a that

They raised the price of the washing machine, about which I wish to complain. Who may I call to do so?

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